CHAGARES: Circuit Judge, Third Circuit

Showing opinions 21 to 36 of 36   Previous

ACLU v. Atty Gen USA July 22, 2008
Appeal from the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Before: Ambro, Chagares, Greenberg
discrimination, first amendment
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Blogged:How Appealing "3rd Circuit Strikes Down COPA -- Again"How Appealing Third Circuit affirms federal district court decision finding that the Child Online Protection Act facially violates the First and Fifth Amendments...
USA v. Stevens July 18, 2008
Appeal from the Western District of Pennsylvania
Before: Sloviter, Smith, Mckee, Ambro, Fuentes, Jordan, Chagares, Hardiman, Cowen, Rendell, Fisher, Scirica, Barry
criminal, environment, ip, first amendment
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Blogged:How Appealing Available online from law.comHow Appealing "Federal law on animal cruelty videos struck down; Overturning a Virginia man's 2005 conviction, a U.S. appeals court says that depictions of dogfighting...How Appealing By a vote of 10 to 3, the en banc U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit holds unconstitutional a federal law criminalizing the sale of creation,...Volokh Conspiracy Third Circuit Rejects Proposed New "Depiction of Animal Cruelty" First Amendment Exception,
Sovereign Bank v. BJ Wholesale Club July 16, 2008
Appeal from the Middle District of Pennsylvania
Before: Mckee, Chagares, Fisher
finance, discrimination, fifth amendment
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Furnari v. US Parole Comm July 9, 2008
Appeal from the Middle District of Pennsylvania
Before: Ambro, Chagares, Greenberg
criminal, discrimination
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DiCarlo v. St Mary Hosp June 24, 2008
Appeal from the District of New Jersey
Before: Fuentes, Chagares, Aldisert
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Blogged:How Appealing Available online from
Windt v. Qwest Comm Intl Inc June 10, 2008
Appeal from the District of New Jersey
Before: Fuentes, Chagares, Aldisert
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Pierre v. Atty Gen USA June 9, 2008
Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decision
Before: Sloviter, Smith, Mckee, Ambro, Fuentes, Jordan, Chagares, Hardiman, Rendell, Fisher, Scirica, Barry, Garth
immigration, criminal, discrimination
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USA v. Miller June 2, 2008
Appeal from the Middle District of Pennsylvania
Before: Chagares, Rendell, Pollak
criminal, sentencing
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Lawrence v. Philadelphia May 28, 2008
Appeal from the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Before: Sloviter, Chagares, Hardiman
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Blogged:How Appealing "Phila. fire paramedics win right to receive overtime pay"How Appealing "This appeal forces us to choose sides in an emergent circuit split regarding the interpretation of the phrase 'responsibility to engage in fire suppression'...
Gutierrez v. Johnson April 22, 2008
Appeal from the District of New Jersey
Before: Fuentes, Chagares, Antwerpen
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Blogged:How Appealing A motion for reconsideration of an order denying or granting class certification, if filed more than ten days after the issuance of that order, does...
USA v. Jackson April 21, 2008
Appeal from the Western District of Pennsylvania
Before: Fuentes, Chagares, Antwerpen
criminal, sentencing
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Chainey v. St. April 14, 2008
Appeal from the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Before: Fuentes, Chagares, Scirica
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Blogged:How Appealing "Court cuts MOVE damages; An appeals panel reduced to $150,000 the award to each of 24 homeowners who sued over rebuilding problems"
Augustin v. Atty Gen USA March 20, 2008
Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decision
Before: Chagares, Rendell
immigration, criminal
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Kosak v. Dir BCIS March 6, 2008
Appeal from the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Before: Mckee, Chagares, Hardiman
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Holland v. Horn March 6, 2008
Appeal from the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Before: Chagares, Greenberg, Cowen
criminal, sentencing
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Warner Lambert v. LEP Profit Intl February 27, 2008
Appeal from the District of New Jersey
Before: Fuentes, Chagares, Rendell
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