Michael W Mosman: District Judge, Ninth Circuit

Showing opinions 1 to 5 of 5

Johnson v. Riversied Healthcare July 28, 2008
Before: O’scannlain, Smith, Mosman, Mosman
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USA v. Arnold July 10, 2008
Appeal from the Central District of California
Before: O’scannlain, Smith, Mosman, Mosman
criminal, en banc, fourth amendment
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Blogged:California Appellate Report People v. Endacott (Cal. Ct. App. - July 16, 2008)
Levina v. San Luis Coastal April 23, 2008
Appeal from the Central District of San Luis Coastal Unified School California
Before: O’scannlain, Smith, Mosman
Full text: PDF
USA v. Arnold April 21, 2008
Appeal from the Central District of California
Before: O’scannlain, Smith, Mosman, Mosman
criminal, fourth amendment
Full text: PDF
Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice Another disturbing laptop case from the 9th on how the First Amendment must hew to copsHow Appealing "Laptops fair game for airport customs searches"How Appealing "We must decide whether customs officers at Los Angeles International Airport may examine the electronic contents of a passenger's laptop computer...Decision of the Day Crossing the Border? Leave Your Laptop at HomeCalifornia Appellate Report U.S. v. Arnold (9th Cir. - April 21, 2008)Volokh Conspiracy Ninth Circuit Allows Suspicionless Computer Searches at the Border:
Sybersound Records, Inc. v. Uav Corp. February 27, 2008
Appeal from the Central District of California
Before: O’scannlain, Smith, Mosman, Mosman
Full text: PDF

Showing opinions 1 to 5 of 5