Selya: Senior Circuit Judge, First Circuit

Showing opinions 1 to 20 of 110   Next

Vineberg v. Bissonnette November 19, 2008
Appeal from the District of Rhode Island
Before: Lynch, Selya, Lipez
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: laches and holocaust painting case
IMS Health, Inc. v. Ayotte November 18, 2008
Appeal from the District of New Hampshire
Before: Selya, Lipez, Siler
ip, first amendment
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: data-mined prescription information not protected speech
v. November 10, 2008
Appeal from the District of Puerto Rico
Before: Lynch, Selya, Howard
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: laches and holocaust painting caseAppellate Law & Practice CA1: data-mined prescription information not protected speech Appellate Law & Practice CA1: Medicare fight over research ends in heroic victory for governmentAppellate Law & Practice CA1: moody teens, ERISA, and shortening the limitations period Appellate Law & Practice CA1: Girl interrupted was “molested” not “exploited”Appellate Law & Practice CA1: vindicative license revocation okay due to preclusion Appellate Law & Practice CA1: declaratory judgments not that preclusiveAppellate Law & Practice CA1: The District Court acted just too jerky in dismissing the complaintAppellate Law & Practice CA1: crack retroactivity doesn’t go below mandatory minimums Appellate Law & Practice CA1: Land Rover dealer not that oppressed Appellate Law & Practice CA1: developer plaintiff moves forward with “class of one” environmental caseAppellate Law & Practice CA1: a Checkbook is not a payment under ERISA
Andrew Robinson v. Hartford Fire November 10, 2008
Appeal from the District of Massachusetts
Before: Selya, Howard, Baldock
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: declaratory judgments not that preclusive
v. November 7, 2008
Appeal from the District of Massachusetts
Before: Lynch, Selya, Lipez
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: laches and holocaust painting caseAppellate Law & Practice CA1: data-mined prescription information not protected speech Appellate Law & Practice CA1: Medicare fight over research ends in heroic victory for governmentAppellate Law & Practice CA1: moody teens, ERISA, and shortening the limitations period Appellate Law & Practice CA1: Girl interrupted was “molested” not “exploited”Appellate Law & Practice CA1: vindicative license revocation okay due to preclusion Appellate Law & Practice CA1: declaratory judgments not that preclusiveAppellate Law & Practice CA1: The District Court acted just too jerky in dismissing the complaintAppellate Law & Practice CA1: crack retroactivity doesn’t go below mandatory minimums Appellate Law & Practice CA1: Land Rover dealer not that oppressed Appellate Law & Practice CA1: developer plaintiff moves forward with “class of one” environmental caseAppellate Law & Practice CA1: a Checkbook is not a payment under ERISAAppellate Law & Practice CA1: the limits of Scott v. HarrisAppellate Law & Practice CA1: cops can take your drivers’ license without seizing youAppellate Law & Practice CA1: First speaks on material misrepresentation Appellate Law & Practice CA1: forfeiture remand in light of Santos and excessive fines clauseAppellate Law & Practice CA1: Fifteen year mandatory minimum for guy in wheelchair trying to produce child pr0n okay
US v. Polk October 30, 2008
Appeal from the District of Maine
Before: Lynch, Selya, Howard
criminal, sentencing
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: Fifteen year mandatory minimum for guy in wheelchair trying to produce child pr0n okay
Jensen v. Phillips Screw October 29, 2008
Appeal from the District of Massachusetts
Before: Selya, Boudin, Dyk
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: District Court made all sorts of errors in awarding sanctions
Ligoussou v. Mukasey October 27, 2008
Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decision
Before: Lynch, Selya, Lipez
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In Re: Grand Jury v. October 24, 2008
Appeal from the District of Massachusetts
Before: Selya, Howard, Baldock
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: no contempt for attorney that disclosed grand jury materials that he provided
US v. One Star Class Sloop October 20, 2008
Appeal from the District of Massachusetts
Before: Lynch, Selya, Schwarzer
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: attorney fees in successful forfeiture cut
Bebri v. Mukasey October 17, 2008
Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decision
Before: Selya, Howard, Baldock
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Siahaan v. Mukasey October 17, 2008
Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decision
Before: Selya, Torruella, Nguez
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US v. Morales-Machuca October 17, 2008
Appeal from the District of Puerto Rico
Before: Selya, Howard, Torruella
criminal, sentencing
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: jury can always draw inferences against poor people
Melendez-Santana v. PR Ports Auth. October 16, 2008
Appeal from the District of Puerto Rico
Before: Lynch, Selya, Schwarzer
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US v. LNU October 10, 2008
Appeal from the District of New Hampshire
Before: Lynch, Selya, Schwarzer
criminal, sentencing, fifth amendment, fourth amendment
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: no reasonable expectation of privacy in unpaid storage locker
Puerto Ricans for PR v. Dalmau-Ramirez October 6, 2008
Appeal from the District of Puerto Rico
Before: Lynch, Selya, Schwarzer
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: translation problems translate into claim preclusion and Rooker-Feldman problems
Gray v. Evercore Restructuri October 6, 2008
Appeal from the District of Massachusetts
Before: Selya, Howard, Stafford
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: file the notice of appeal right
Gray v. Evercore Restructuri October 6, 2008
Appeal from the District of Massachusetts
Before: Selya, Howard, Stafford
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Enica v. Principi October 6, 2008
Appeal from the District of Massachusetts
Before: Selya, Lipez
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: reasonable accommodation issue creates question of fact
Levasseur v. US Postal Serv. October 1, 2008
Appeal from the District of New Hampshire
Before: Selya, Howard, Lipez
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Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: government liable when postal workers steal mail for political ends

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